

2017-08-12 20:34:57来源:逗游网作者:互联网




















  游戏里为武装剑。武装剑是中世纪骑士使用的单手剑有这各种各样的形制,骑马的骑士装备“ Arming-sword”武装剑。武装剑因此获名骑兵剑"riding-swords"这种单手剑与大约产生于1300年的“knightly sword骑士剑”的联系紧密。

















  Such swords developed in the early-to-mid 1500's andare more appropriately known as flammards or flambards (theGerman Flammenschwert).

  这种剑在16世纪00年代初至中期发展起来,更适合称为flammards或flambards焰形剑(德国Flammen schwert)。

  The flamberge was also a term later applied to certaintypes of rapiers.


  The wave-blade form is visually striking but really nomore effective in its cutting than a straight one.


  There were also huge two-handed blades known as"bearing-swords" or "parade-swords" (Paratschwert),weighing up to 12 or even 15 pounds and which were intended only for carryingin ceremonial processions and parades.






  In the early 1400's (as early as 1418) a form oflong-sword often with specially shaped grips for one or two hands, became knownas an Espée Bastarde or "bastard sword".


  The term may derive not form the blade length, butbecause bastard-swords typically had longer handles with special"half-grips" which could be used by either one or both hands.


  In this sense they were neither a one-handed sword nora true great-sword/two-handed sword, and thus not a member of either"family" of sword.



  Evidence shows the their blade were typically tapered.


  Since newer types of shorter swords were coming intouse, the term "bastard-sword" came to distinguish this form oflong-sword.


  These handles have recognizable "waist" and"bottle" shapes (such grips were later used on the Renaissancetwo-handed sword).


  The unique bastard-sword half-grip was a versatile andpractical innovation.


  Some were intended more for cutting while others werebetter for thrusting. Bastard swords continued to be used by knights andmen-at-arms into the 1500's.


  Their hilt style leads toward the shorter cut &thrust sword forms of the Renaissance.


  Strangely, in the early Renaissance the termbastard-sword was also sometimes used to refer to single-hand arming-swordswith compound-hilts.


  A form ofGerman arming sword with a bastard-style compound hilt was called a"Reitschwert" ("cavalry sword") or a "Degen"("knight's sword").


  Although these might have been forms of single-handestoc.


  The familiar modern term "hand-and-a-half"was more or less coined to describe bastards swords specifically.


  The term "hand-and-a-half sword" is oftenused in reference to long-swords is not historical and is sometimes misappliedto other swords...


  (althoughduring the late 1500's, long after such blades fell out of favor, some Germanforms of this phrase are believed to have been used).


  While there is no evidence of the term“hand-and-a-half” having been used during the Middle Ages, either in English orother languages, it does appear in the 16th century.





  Those blades long and weighty enough to demand adouble grip are great-swords.


  They are infantry swords which cannot be used in asingle-hand.


  Originally the term "great-sword" , onlymeant a war-sword (long-sword),


  but it has now more or less come to mean a sub-classof those larger long-swords/war-swords that are still not true two-handers.


  Although they are "two hand" swords,great-swords not are the specialized weapons of later two-handed swords.


  They are the swords that are antecedents to the evenlarger Renaissance versions.


  Great-swords are also the weapons often depicted invarious German sword manuals.


  Whereas other long-swords could be used on horsebackand some even with shields, great swords however were infantry weapons only.



  Their bladesmight be flat and wide or later on, more narrow and hexagonal or diamondshaped.


  These larger swords capable of facing heavier weaponssuch as pole-arms and larger axes were devastating against lighter armors.


  Long,two-handed swords with narrower, flat hexagonal blades and thinner tips (suchas the Italian "spadone") were a response to plate-armor.


  Against plate armor such rigid, narrow, and sharplypointed swords are not used in the same chop and cleave manner as with flatter,wider long-swords and great swords.


  Instead, theyare handled with tighter movements that emphasize their thrusting points andallow for greater use of the hilt.


  Those of the earlier parallel-edged shape are knownmore as war-swords, while later the thicker, tapering, sharply pointed formwere more often called bastard-swords.


  One type oflong German sword, the "Rhenish Langenschwert", from the Rhenish cityof Cologne, had a blade of some 4 feet and an enormous grip of some 14 to 16inches long, not including the pommel.

  莱茵河边的科隆市,有一种长的德国剑,叫"Rhenish Langen schwert",剑刃达1.22m,剑柄达950px(不含配重球)。




  Two-handed Swords双手剑(双巨的原型)


  The term "two-hander" or "two-handedsword" (espée a deure mains or spada da due mani) was in use asearly as 1400 and is really a classification of sword applied both to Medievalgreat-swords as well Renaissance swords (the true two-handed swords).


  Such weapons saw more use in the later Middle Ages andearly Renaissance.


  Technically, true two-handed swords (epee's a deuxmain) were actually Renaissance, not Medieval weapons.


  They are really those specialized forms of the later1500-1600's, such as theSwiss/German Dopplehander ("double-hander")or Bidenhander ("both-hander")or Zweihander / Zweyhander are relatively modern not historicalterms.


  English ones were sometimes referred to as"slaughterswords" after theGermanSchlachterschwerter ("battle swords").

  英国的双手剑有时是对“屠剑slaughterswords”的称呼,出自德国Schlachter schwerter。(slaughter sword有可能就是Lowlander Sword)

  These weaponswere used primarily for fighting against pike-squares where they would hackpaths through lobbing the tips off the poles.


  In Germany, England, and elsewhere schools also taughttheir use for single-combat.


  In True two-handed swords have compound-hilts withside-rings and enlarged cross-guards of up to 12 inches.


  Most havesmall, pointed lugs or flanges protruding from their blades 4-8 inches belowtheir guard.


  These parrierhaken or "parryinghooks" act almost as a secondary guard for the ricasso to prevent otherweapons from sliding down into the hands.


  They make up for the weapon's slowness on the defenceand can allow another blade to be momentarily trapped or bound up. They canalso be used to strike with.


  The most well-known of "twa handit swordis" isthe Scottish Claymore (Gaelic for "claidheamh-more" orgreat-sword) which developed out of earlier Scottish great-swords with whichthey are often compared.




  先说说亚特大剑,这玩意你们应该对他的战纪咸鱼突刺很有阴影吧,历史上这类大剑的用法也确实是咸鱼突刺。比如Albion The Dane Sword(阿尔比恩戴恩剑)。


  这种与众不同的剑,拥有狭长的钻石型刃及更细的无锋段,曾经在丹麦非常常见——在那里有许多的现存实物,其起源也许在意大利,Albion's Dane是基于Peter Johnsson关于这种剑的文献。他们看起来非常抢眼,但是非常轻盈和迅捷,足以带来可怕的砍击或穿刺。这是一种精致的刺剑,但是像那些比较厚的,硬的尖头剑一样,他的砍击效果不容低估,这种剑设计用于着甲战斗。像是一种巨大坚硬,毫不迟钝而充满侵犯性的长锥子。






  The Estoc


  A form of long, rigid,pointed, triangular or square bladed and virtually edgeless sword designed for thrusting intoplate-armor was the estoc.


  Calleda stocco in Italian, estoque in Spanish, a tuck in English, Panzerstecher or Dreiecker inGerman, and a kanzer in Eastern Europe.


  They were usedwith two hands and similar to great-swords (but were unrelated to laterrapiers).


  They were used in two hands with the second hand oftengripping the blade.



  Some were sharpened only near the point and othersmight have one or two large round hand guards.


  Rapiers aresometimes mistakenly referred to as tucks, and there is evidence that duringthe Renaissance some rapiers may have been referred to as such by the English.


  In French "estoc" itself means to thrust.




  Cut & ThrustSwords劈刺剑

  The term "cut and thrust sword" is a generalone which can be applied to a whole range of blade forms (field swords, sideswords, arming swords).

  “劈刺剑”泛指几乎所有刀剑(战场刀field swords、佩剑side swords、武装剑arming swords)。

  However, the Renaissance military sword is generallycharacterized by a swept or compound-hilt, a narrow cut-and-thrust blade withstronger cross-section, and tapering tip.


  A direct descendant of the medieval knightly sword,the cut and thrust sword was used by lightly armed footmen as well as civiliansin the 16th and 17th centuries.


  During thistime they were employed against a range of armored and unarmored opponents.


  They were popular for sword & buckler and sword& dagger fighting.



  They utilized an innovative one-handed grip fingeringthe ricasso (a dull portion of blade just above the guard).


  Renaissance cut & thrust swords should not bereferred to as "early Renaissance swords" since they were actually inuse throughout the period.


  Military andcivilian forms of them existed before, during and after the development of therapier.


  For example, similar blades (with and without ricassosand compound hilts) saw use in the English Civil War and even later.


  They shouldalso not be referred to as "sword-rapiers" or "earlyrapiers", although in a sense, some of them were.


  Renaissance cut & thrust swords were their owndistinct sword type.


  Although sometimes considered a "transition"form, this is inaccurate as they were both the ancestor and contemporary of therapier for which they are often misidentified.


  Some forms ofcage & basket hilts blades are occasionally referred to as "ridingswords" by collectors and curators, and sometimes even as"broadswords".


  However, the 16th century Italians did sometimesdistinguish between spada da cavallo, or a blade for horsemen, spadada fante, an infantry sword for foot-soldiers, and later spada dalato (side sword), a civilian cut-and-thrust sword, a form of which onlylater became the rapier (in modern times sometimes called a stricia).

  然而,16世纪的意大利人有时会区分spada da cavallo骑兵剑、spada da fante步兵剑、以及后来的spada da lato佩剑,civilian cut&thrust sword民用劈刺剑。劈刺剑后来才成为迅捷剑,在现代有时被称为stricia(意大利语)。








  The Falchion弯刃大砍刀

  A rarer form of swordthat was little more than a meat cleaver, possibly even a simple kitchen andbarnyard tool adopted for war.


  Indeed, it maycome from a French word for a sickle, "fauchon".


  It can be seen in Medieval art being used againstlighter armors by infidels as well as footman and even knights.


  The weapon is entirely European and not derived fromeastern sources.



  More common in the Renaissance, it was considered aweapon to be proficient with in addition to the sword.


  The falchion issimilar to the German Dusack (or Dusagge), and has beendubiously suggested as possibly related to the Dark Age long knife,"seax" (scramanseax), and even later curved blades such as sabres (orsabels).



  Similar to an Arabian "scimitar", thefalchion's wide, heavy blade weighted more towards the point could delivertremendous blows.


  Several varieties were known, most all with singleedges and rounded points.



  A later Italian falchion with a slender sabre-likeblade was called a "storta" or a "malchus".


  Another similar weapon in German was the saber ormachete-like Messer.



  Large two-handversions, called Grosse Messers, with straight or curved single-edgedblades were known by 1500.

  名为Grosse Messers(great knife,巨刀)的巨大双手版,拥有或弯或直的刀刃。在十六世纪为人所知。












































  A common long dagger, "poignard" (poniard),or "pugnale" was a favored companion, carried en-suite witha sword or rapier as a backup weapon or even on its own.


  The dagger was lightweight, deadly, and elegant.


  Used primarily as a defensive weapon, dagger fighting was an art itself.



  Technically, a poniard was square or triangular shapedwith no edge, while a dagger had a knife-like blade.


  Generally, daggers in the Middle Ages were employedpoint down, pommel up, while those in the Renaissance were used point up withthe thumb placed on the hilt.


  Many later daggers for use with rapiers had elaborateguards and were specially designed for trapping and parrying.









